We'd like to say . . . . .
6th Mar 2025
Everyone at DPS is very excited to received new, and much needed, Accelerated Reading books. Our P6/7 class opened the boxes with great excitement and can't wait to start reading!
We also had a delivery, opened by the P2/3 class, of books purchased through funds raised by supporting our annual Book Fair in September. So a big THANK YOU to all the parents who sent money in with their child. The school earns book points for every book you buy which enables us to save up and buy new titles for school and books for prizes.
What a perfect week to be getting so many lovely new books! Happy World Book Day to you all! :)
Donemana Primary School, 31 Longland Road, Donemana, Co Tyrone, BT82 0PH
Phone: (028) 7139 8633 | Email: ghay546@c2kni.net