Suffix Scavenger Hunt
21st Apr 2021

In Literacy, P5/6 have been learning all about suffixes.
They have been learning how a suffix can change a word's meaning or even its tense.
They consolidated their knowledge of suffixes on Friday with a scavenger hunt in the school grounds.
Hanging up around the school grounds were 15 'root' words which the children had to find. They then had to return to the, 'Great Wall of Suffixes' and decide which one to use and write out the new word with the suffix included.
The class really enjoyed their outdoor learning experience and were able to 'show what they know' in the topic of suffixes.
Well done P5/6!
Donemana Primary School, 31 Longland Road, Donemana, Co Tyrone, BT82 0PH
Phone: (028) 7139 8633 | Email: