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Donemana Primary School, Donemana, Co Tyrone

P1-5 School Trip 2024

12th Jun 2024

What a great day P1-7 have had.  No Literacy, no Numeracy, but a fun bus ride all the way to Brunswick for our long awaited school trip.  On arrival the classes split up with Mr Potts and his class heading over to the bowling whilst the  P1/2, P2/3 and P3/4 classes went BANANAS in 'Bananas!!'
After a fun filled time at our activities we met up again for a tasty hot lunch which was enjoyed by all.  After a quick look around it was then sadly time for the bus trip home again.  When we said goodbye to our P1/2 children the P3-5 children enjoyed a quick run around the playground followed by a movie.  
What a great day!  We hope you enjoy the photos and video below, which show just how much fun we were having!