Access Keys:

Donemana Primary School, Donemana, Co Tyrone

DPS Community Food Collection

11th May 2020

During these very difficult times we want to ensure we are supporting our families and wider community the best we can and so we have set up a food collection station in the foyer.  If you feel you can, please buy an extra item when you are shopping and drop it off at school.  Post it through the letter box if it will fit or pop it in the collection trolley (please follow social distancing guidelines when entering school).  If you are in need of some help, come to school and collect what you need from the trolley - leave what you can, take what you need. The foyer can be accessed from 11am - 2pm Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.

If, after a few weeks, we have extra donations, Dennett Interchange volunteers will collect the donations and make deliveries to families in need.

We hope this will be of help and if there are other ways we can help, please get in touch any time via email or on 02971398633 during the days and times above.
