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Donemana Primary School, Donemana, Co Tyrone

Bird Watching

1st Feb 2022

We're delighted to say that the weather stayed dry and we got out to complete our bird watching activity today as part of our ongoing 'Winter' topic.  

The children greatly enjoyed hiding in their handmade camouflaged dens and used the binoculars they made last week in art to try and spot some of the birds we've been learning about.

The children did try their best to stay still and whisper but it's a tricky job when you're very excited by the task in hand and sadly not too many birds appeared for us today - now I wonder why that was!! Some pairs maintain they spotted every bird on our ticksheet whilst others spotted only a few.  Whatever the case it was a good learning opportunity and the class are now able to identify some of the main birds that live in our area.

Jayden: The task was fabulous and I liked when we did the camouflage. The den was comfy.

Richard: Jayden and I spotted lots and lots of birds.

Anna: It was so much fun.

Jayde: I liked when we were camouflaged under the bench in the Fairy Garden.

Jay: I liked using my real binoculars.

Jack: I used my dad's binoculars and I got a book so I could see if I could see any of the birds in it.

Amber: I liked making the binoculars.

Jacob: It was fun to watch for the birds.

Micah:  We were very lucky to have Jack in our group because he had a bird book to help us.

Tia M: I liked when we watched the birds from under the bench.

Lilyanna: I like spying on the birds.

Bethany: Scarlett and I saw so many birds.

Scarlett: We saw lots of Blackbirds.

Hannah: It was all so much fun!

We hope you enjoy looking at the photos of our activity as much as we enjoyed taking part.