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Donemana Primary School, Donemana, Co Tyrone

A very busy day in Mrs Hay's class!

12th Jan 2018

In our class today we had a very busy day today!  P2 enjoyed musical pathways this morning followed by show and tell.  We had to look at the world map after show and tell as we had objects from Australia and Paris so we needed to see where these places were.  We also started our 'Hit the Button' championship for number bonds to 10.  After break we were learning about what makes us happy and how to make other people in our school happy.  We made some posters showing what makes us happy in class and we made 'happiness wands' so that P2 can sprinkle magical happiness all around school!  This afternoon our healthy eating policy was on hold while Mrs Hay opened a sweet shop in the classroom!!  Each child had 17p to spend at the shop and had to calculate what they could buy for this amount.  There was lots of very good adding, problem solving and money work going on!  P2 have all promised to brush their teeth tonight to make up for all the sweets!  Phew..time for a rest now!